Nordic Access Onsite Visit to Iceland Marks a Milestone in Strengthening Testbed Networks across the Nordic Countries

Nordic Access in Iceland

The Nordic Access Team recently visited Iceland, spanning from the southern to northern regions. This expedition strategically designed to capture the entire spectrum of health landscapes resulted in a profound understanding of healthcare practices and collaborative endeavours.

In a major milestone for the Nordic Access Project aimed at advancing health landscapes across the Nordic, a recent onsite visit to Iceland has proven to be a resounding success. The visit encompassed a diverse range of organizations, including the Welfare Technology Center, the City of Reykjavik and KLAK, a vibrant start-up community, Landspitali Hospital currently building its testing facilities and the Healthcare Institution of West Iceland(Heilbrigðisstofnun Vesturlands) in Akranes. Heading north, the team further visited a local company named Thula based in Akureyri and the Heilsuvernd-Hlid nursing homes. Exploring the latest technologies in home care, the team initiated discussions about future cooperation with Nordic Access.

Further stops included a visit to Akureyri Hospital to delve into their areas of interest in testing new technologies. The expedition concluded with a journey even further north to Fjallabyggd Municipality, including visits to nursing homes and Hátindur 60+ (Peak 60+). Nordic Access and Hátindur 60+ discussed project goals, scope and key milestones. Discussions about the next steps in potential collaborations between the projects added a promising conclusion to the successful trip.

Collaborative Success in Iceland Amplifies the Project’s Commitment to strengthen the Testbed network across the Nordic countries

The emphasis on Nordic collaboration and unity resonated throughout the discussions, highlighting the project’s commitment to equal participation from each Nordic country. A noteworthy aspect of this visit is the inclusion of Icelandic HealthTech companies into the Nordic Access project network, as well as amplifying commitment to the project through strengthening cross-collaboration and adding additional testing facilities to the Nordic Access TestBed Network.

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+358 50 333 5100

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Nordic Access c/o Arnora Oy
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FI53100 Lappeenranta, Finland

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